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Univ. of Iowa - Facilities

As part of the West Campus Tennis Recreation Center and Sports Activity Fields project, construction of the Hawkeye Tennis and Recreation Complex was completed in the summer of 2006 and the building officially opened July 31, 2006.

The new complex is used by the Hawkeye men’s and women’s tennis, field hockey and soccer teams, as well as students and the public for general recreation. Along with eight indoor courts and 12 outdoor courts, the new facility includes sports medicine facilities, team and public locker rooms, meeting rooms and video rooms. The building also houses Iowa tennis offices and a reception area.

The Hawkeye Tennis and Recreation Complex Athletic Training Room has equipment to enhance treament, rehabilitation, cardiopulmonary and strength performance.  The team lounge features leather couches and chairs, and has television/video/stereo capabilities for individualized instruction and teaching, while the team locker room features large individual oak lockers with storage, and a computer. It also features direct access to the team lounge and the tennis courts.

For the general public, there is Fitness West - a 2,700 square foot fitness area, an indoor turf facility for intramural and club sports teams and a 3,500 square foot Touch The Earth Outdoor Rental & Resource Center.