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Old Dominion University - Facilities
NORFOLK, Va. -- Old Dominion University athletic director Jim Jarrett announced that the new indoor tennis center at the University will be named the Folkes-Stevens Indoor Tennis Center at Old Dominion University, thanks to the generous contributions from Grey Folkes and Ricky Stevens. The state of the art complex, currently under construction, will be one of the top collegiate tennis facilities in the country and slated to open this spring.

"The Folkes-Stevens Indoor Tennis Center will provide outstanding support for our tennis program and the tennis community of Hampton Roads," Says Jarrett. "I appreciate very much this generous contribution from Grey and Ricky, along with several other donors who are making it possible for us to have one of the finest tennis facilities in the nation."

Grey Folkes, who took over the civil engineering firm of Hassell & Folkes PC in 1986, started playing tennis when he was given a membership to the Virginia Beach Racket Club as a college graduation present. Grey has been very active in the tennis community both as a player and sponsor of member guest tournaments, pro-am events, and USTA league tennis. In 1997 he won the Norfolk Yacht member guest tournament with former Monarch tennis standout Miguel Rosa. He is a 1977 Clemson graduate, while his wife Amy graduated from Old Dominion in 1998 with a business degree. They have three children, Daniel, Stradford and Sarah.

Ricky Stevens founded RB Stevens Construction Co., which he has directed for more than 30 years. He was the captain of a USTA National Championship team in 2003 along with earning individual state, sectional, and national rankings. In 2006 he won the Princess Anne Country Club member guest tournament with former Monarch Alex Cancado. His wife Judy is a realtor with Prudential Decker Reality and the Stevens have four daughters, Lisa, Sarah, Jennifer and Whitney.

"I have known Grey and Ricky over 20 years and we are honored to have their names on our indoor tennis facility