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Bowdoin College - Recruiting Info

A word about Polar Bear Tennis from Coach Joyner:

The Bowdoin Men's Tennis program has a long history of success.  I speak to a wide range of players in the recruiting process, from Top 100 nationally ranked juniors to high school players.  Our team is diverse and represents a wide range of home states and personalities.  If you are interested in getting in touch with me, the first thing to do is go to our website: and fill out a Prospective Student Sports Interest Questionnaire.  It puts all of your info into one document for me and I can put you into my database that way.  Here is some more info about Bowdoin and tennis.

If you haven’t already, I encourage you to check out our athletic website to get some more information about the program.  The men’s tennis team is currently ranked #10 in the nation and has qualified for the NCAA Team Championships every year since 1999.  We have also had individuals selected as All-Americans six of the last seven years including two All-Americans selected this past year.  My top two players finished the year ranked in the Top 25 nationally and my top doubles team finished ranked #10 nationally and were selected to the All-American Team.

The best thing about college tennis is that tennis is finally a team sport.  Many players have positive high school tennis experiences, but the team aspect of college tennis is on a whole different level.  Academics come first at Bowdoin and the studies are very rigorous.  For my players, tennis is #2.  They set very ambitious goals as a team and they train hard to achieve those goals.

We have a fall season that lasts from the beginning of September through late October and our spring season runs from mid-February through mid-May.  Training is taken to a new level in the college setting.  Our players strive to perform their best in season by working hard in the off-seasons.  Weight, flexibility, and speed training are incorporated into our work-outs to maximize performance on the court.  Bowdoin has great strength and conditioning coaches that work with the tennis team in the off-season.

Choosing the right college is the biggest decision you will make moving into the next phase of your life.  Because of this four-year commitment, choosing the right players to join my team is also a big decision for me.  I'm looking forward to hearing from you.


Coach Joyner